Importance of Regular Maintenance


Regular maintenance is a regular part of computer ownership.  Do not be afraid to power down your computer, unplug it, open the side panel, and use some compressed air to clear out the dust! It is cheap and you will not hurt your computer in the process.

A dusty clogged-up computer is one of the major reasons for computer repair service calls. The dust itself is easy to remove, but if you leave it to accumulate you will quickly run into issues with poor performance and overheating. Over time this could permanently damage your computer. It needs proper airflow and regular cleaning to keep it in great condition.

Just peak at the side vents of your computer and you will likely see dust building up. If you do clean it out! You should then set yourself a reminder to clean it out every couple of months. It will save you money in the long run!

At Golden Hills IT we can clean out your computer, and address any issues that have developed from the lack of normal maintenance. If your computer has been neglected for far too long give us a call 661-317-1161

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