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Why Should you go with WordPress over sites like Wix and Squarespace for your website?

In simple terms Wix and Squarespace are considered cheap fly by night website builders.  They are What You See is What You Get (WYSIWYG) editors that are severely limited to their themes and templates.  They are also worse off for SEO, and just generally not a good idea.

What this means is all the websites made on these platforms sort of look the same with no real individuality.  They also have a ton of branding that just outright shows clients that you do not take your web presence seriously.

No true web developer works in Wix or Squarespace because of the limitations.  These platforms are made for novices to be able to put something up quickly that resembles a website.  Not a true CMS or web development platform.

It goes even deeper than that. is one of the leading SEO and Marketing tools on the internet.  They have some articles about Wix and Squarespace using actual data and metrics.

The long and short of the SEO issue can be seen in these two photos:

What these two graphics are showing is the results of studies done by Ahrefs.  They took a large subset of websites across Wix and Squarespace and compared them to WordPress.

Organic Traffic is traffic that finds your site through searches and not paid advertisements or clicks.  So, this is a true metric of how your site is performing.  You can see in the above samples a much larger percentage of Organic Traffic goes to WordPress sites than Wix or Squarespace.

There are some technical reasons for this that are just limitations for those platforms.  Basically Wix and Squarespace are not really made for dedicated websites for businesses.  They use a lot of JavaScript that doesn’t get properly indexed, have slower load times, and less control when developing a site through them.  This makes the site in general much lower ranking, and results in fewer organic visits to your website.

WordPress on the other hand is where most of the web is developed.  It is an absurdly high number of sites, and there is a reason for this.  Developers get much more control, including down to the actual code level if needed.  So, developers can fully edit the site to fit your brand’s identity.

WordPress is SEO friendly, and again, developers have full control.  WordPress sites tend to rank higher.  Being so many sites are developed in WordPress there are quality plugins for just about any use case that are actively developed and supported.

There are other systems out there that are comparable to WordPress, but Wix and Squarespace are not them.

Real web development is not done on Wix and Squarespace.  These are made for amateurs, and for the average person to get a quick website up.  True web developers will use a platform that allows for full control, and will have the ability to develop a theme that more matches your brand identity.

Do not engage with Wix or Squarespace.  Instead contact us to get a proper website developed in WordPress today!

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